hmmm... in no particular order:
Gardening (and perving on other peoples gardens) Plant perving in general actually. I would like to learn more about propogation.
Woodcarving (whittling mostly)
Metalsmithing (jewellery/small metal sculpture - blacksmithing if I could get something set up)
Doll making (mixed media) / small sculpture
Automatons/moving toys/puppets
Painting miniature gaming figures & the like (don't play the games - just like the critters)
BIke Riding (I'm an amateur)
Music - play a few things pretty badly - guitar, tin whistle, fiddle (very badly) - and I like to sing........
Love listening to a lot of different stuff. Eclectic tastes I guess. Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits, Gabriela y Rodrigo and Bessie Smith are favs at the moment. Love Dean Martin. Trio Los Panchos too.
*will collectand try to play just about any musical instrument I can get my mits on. I am leaving behind a celtic harp and a bodhran amongst other things. I would like to try and make some gourd instruments this year, esp a banjo and teardrop fiddle.
Reading - I collect illustrated kids books too.
Collecting junk from the side of the road and other STUFF etc
Critter watching, people watching... boat watching... plane watching ( dare I say I like to watch????)
Popular Science (I use the term hesitatingly - I like science, but I've been out of the loop for a long time and have become a dummy. Use it or lose it)
... and so on and so on and so on... Most things inspire me on some level.
I hope to add a whole heap of new things when I get to Tassie
BUSHWALKING, Kayaking, Cycle Touring, Tassie History, Navigation, Permaculture, green architecture/sustainable design,burlesque theatre....
sorry. I'll stop now.