madmacca wrote:Happy Pirate wrote: (Doesn't stop NPWS in Nth NSW from constantly leaf-blowing their short-walk tracks when I'm trying to listen to Lyrebirds though...GRRR!!)
Oh wow - training lyrebirds to mimic the sound of a leafblower??? There goes peace and quiet in the bush forever.
I once encountered a Lyrebird whose (almost) entire repetitior was artificial! It was near an old saw mill between Bogong and Mt Beauty. Dog barking, circular saw, car starting, shot gun blast, pull start a chain saw; this bird could do it all and more. It just threw in a Kookaburra and Curlew for good measure.
But there's something particularly evil and awful about leafblowers.
I'm going to make a bumper-sticker: JUST SAY NO TO LEAFBLOWERS (not all technology is made better with a motor or battery).
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