Anyone have any Overpants they are selling?
Could need 2 pairs, sizes 32,34,36
whitefang wrote:I recently purchased some Berghaus Deluge pants for $99. I haven't tested them heaps yet, but they have good reviews and seem quite durable and breathable. Size L fits me and I'm around a size 36. Aside from those I know the Marmot PreCip pants can be picked up for around $100 - 120.
whitefang wrote:The berghaus ones seemed to be more durable and only weigh about 40g or so more than the PreCips. They also have buttons down the legs so that I can unzip them if I get too hot.
whitefang wrote:The berghaus ones seemed to be more durable and only weigh about 40g or so more than the PreCips. They also have buttons down the legs so that I can unzip them if I get too hot.
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