NickMonk wrote:4) The area in question is south of the Huon Track and east of the old (official) Mt Picton track by maybe 1.5 kms each way.
Azza wrote:NickMonk wrote:4) The area in question is south of the Huon Track and east of the old (official) Mt Picton track by maybe 1.5 kms each way.
That is a pretty out of the way location.
One wonders how someone could have possibly stumbled across the remains, what was their reason for being out there?
As I understand it the original northern route up Mt Picton hasn't seen much usage since the newer track was established.
I remember walking it 25 or so years ago in College and back then it wasn't necessarily that easy to follow, was a bit overgrown with cutting grass in places.
So I could totally understand someone getting lost on that track these days.
There is also meant to be a short cut into Blakes Opening coming from the end of Riveaux Rd to the Huon River.
NickMonk wrote:
6) Historic logbooks will be requested - what log books are there in the area that we know of please? Huon Track of course, maybe a remote area one on the 'new' Mt Picton track? Any ideas here
devoswitch wrote:NickMonk wrote:
6) Historic logbooks will be requested - what log books are there in the area that we know of please? Huon Track of course, maybe a remote area one on the 'new' Mt Picton track? Any ideas here
There is no log book on the Mt Picton track. Unless one has very recently been put it in.
Graham51 wrote:devoswitch wrote:NickMonk wrote:
6) Historic logbooks will be requested - what log books are there in the area that we know of please? Huon Track of course, maybe a remote area one on the 'new' Mt Picton track? Any ideas here
There is no log book on the Mt Picton track. Unless one has very recently been put it in.
But there is one on the summit of Mt Picton. Still there?
NickMonk wrote:\Would definitely be interested to know if there is a logbook on the summit of Picton. If there is and it is old enough I'll go and photograph pages in it myself. Does anyone have any further info on this?
CasualNerd wrote:NickMonk wrote:\Would definitely be interested to know if there is a logbook on the summit of Picton. If there is and it is old enough I'll go and photograph pages in it myself. Does anyone have any further info on this?
There definitely was in March 2016 when I was there, in an old ammo tin. Can't remember how old it was though sorry.
stepbystep wrote:Summit logbook.
EDIT: It's on the summit.
doogs wrote:I also believe there was a pad forming from the end of Riveaux road and used as a shortcut in to Blakes Opening. I became redundant when the forestry started locking the gate. The info is on this for somewhere..I'll try and find it.viewtopic.php?f=3&t=18564&p=251798&hilit=Riveaux+road#p251798
GPSGuided wrote:Heard on the ABC News Radio, CHF and HKD were found with the subject, suggesting he was an European, Swiss?
tastrekker wrote:I'd be checking Hustling Creek and the funny little tarn at the foot of Red Rag Scarp for a possible camp location. It's relatively easy to find a mountain heading up hill as all the ridges are merging in your direction of travel. Descending is the opposite. It would be easy for someone camped in an obscure location to get benighted while trying to find their tent after descending the wrong ridge.
Azza wrote:On theList "State Aerial Photographs" you can see some rather interesting features.
If you look at the end of Riveaux Road - there is what looks suspiciously like a track heading through the scrub towards the Huon Track.
This is likely to be the short cut route into Blakes Opening we were all referring to.
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